Unexpected sunshine

I had my day all planned out.

It was going to be overcast, and when it wasn’t overcast, it was going to rain, except that it wasn’t overcast, and it didn’t rain.

When I finally accepted that the sunlight was here to stay for most of the day, I set aside my plans and preconceived notions and began to work on making more of the center squares for the multi-color motifs for my 2012 North Carolina State Fair project.

The first square I began with Red Heart With Love lettuce:

textured crochet square motif
A lettuce green crochet square for another multicolor motif

I used Red Heart Super Saver claret to begin the next center square:

textured crochet square motif
A claret crochet square for another multicolor motif

and moved onto Red Heart Super Saver burgundy from there:

textured crochet square motif
A burgundy crochet square for another multicolor motif

I finished up with Red Heart Classic medium brown:

textured crochet square motif
A medium brown crochet square for another multicolor motif

Unlike squares past, today I wove in the ends as I went. I have been making progress on my efforts to bring small patches of order to my various work areas, and I wanted my days’ efforts to be tidier than usual.

When the sunlight began to fade, I set my hooks and yarn on top of the piano where Clooney, my beloved, but overly curious dog cannot reach, and got this group photo:

four textured crochet squares
The four completed textured crochet center squares

Then I reoriented them and go this photo as well:

four textured crochet squares
Another arrangement of the four center crochet squares

I don’t exactly what tomorrow will bring, but armed with my crochet hooks and a stash bag of yarn, I am ready for it.

5 thoughts on “Unexpected sunshine

  1. Tomorrow is going to be sunshine no matter what the weather! Unbelievable beauty from today’s squares. LOVELY.

  2. Such EyE candy!!! I can’t believe how much I love the look of your design! Is it your own pattern and if so are you planning on selling copies of the pattern in the future? They are beautiful, great work and thanks for sharing your progress with us! Have a great Day!

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