To be or knot to be

The last day of summer was filled with errands that had to be run, almost a kind of changing of the guard but there were moments when I was able to pull out a crochet crazy quilt piece and work one more the French knot design with the embroidery stitch that has captivated me, and eventually, I finished (at least for now) work on one of the pieces.

Here is an overview:

french knots on crochet
A crochet crazy quilt piece decorated with the French knot

and here is a detail:

detail of French knots on crochet
Detail of bright orchid French knots

I love the texture that the knot and the split strand of four-ply yarn combine to create. The resulting element is a bit less certain, a bit more unruly, and vibrant in a way that I had not expected.

With that piece finally (or at least mostly) done, I then set to finishing the medium purple lines of another one of the pieces that had been part way done, and then (in one sitting!), I decorated a small pink square with bullion stitches and French knots.

Then, with the sun ready to set on the first day of fall and rain clouds gathering, I got this group photo of the three new pieces:

three crochet crazy quilt pieces
Three more tricked out crochet crazy quilt pieces

and then this photo of all of the crochet crazy quilt pieces I have finished so far:

crochet crazy quilt pieces
An overview of the crochet crazy quilt pieces completed so far

There are just 18 full workdays left between now and my 2016 North Carolina State Fair deadline, and from now until then, I will continue to work as I must: one stitch at a time.