Putting crochet mojo to good use

Today the sun rose on what would end up being a day of clear blue skies, and as it turned out, excellent crochet mojo which I was able to put to good use. With nary a cloud to be found, this is how things looked when my dog Clooney and I walked my soon-to-be 15-year-old son to the bus stop:

morning sky raleigh north carolina
Morning sky, September 11, 2012, Raleigh, North Carolina

We waited a few minutes for the bus to arrive, and then, because I wanted to use as much of my time today as was possible on my 2012 North Carolina State Fair project, I decided it would be a good idea to take my dog for a walk while we were already outside.

Because of the sun had not yet fully risen and because we had already had to walk a bit to get my son to the bus, I decided that there was one part of our usual morning walk I could skip.

It turns out that Clooney did not agree, and after I gotten breakfast and was attempting to get a start on my crochet day and enjoy a second cup of coffee, Clooney let me know he wanted to go for another walk. Preferably now:

Eventually, we returned home from our second walk, this one in in full daylight which had allowed me to take Clooney down a path that is a particular favorite of his where he often sees deer.

Seeming to think that he had now had a proper walk, Clooney allowed me to work with few interruptions, and I took advantage of this first expanse of time to put the crochet mojo so many had sent my way to use weaving in ends.

Here are the center squares with ends woven in:

four textured crochet squares
Four center crochet squares with the ends woven in

and here is the resulting pile of yarn scraps:

yarn scraps
The scrap pile

I then decided to take an inventory of my center squares. It turned out that I had twenty-one of them:

21 textured crochet squares
Twenty-one center crochet squares waiting to become multi-color motifs

I then spent what remained of my crochet day working to make as many of the center squares as I could into completed multi-color motifs.

I managed to make/finish five:

textured crochet square motifs
Five newly completed textured crochet motifs

I don’t know that I had more crochet mojo today than yesterday, but I do know that it felt as if I did, and with so many crochet friends wishing me well, how could I not put the wonderful gift of their time and interest to good use?

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