Multi-color motif Monday

The day started as Mondays usually do.


But by eight o’clock with my son off to school, the dog walked, and breakfast eaten, I was ready to begin work on my 2012 North Carolina State Fair project.

The first order of multi-color motif business was to use of some of the rectangles and small squares that have accumulated on the horizontal surfaces in my house that my dog can’t reach.

Using two of the completed center squares that were on my crochet/breakfast bar, I used as many of my already made pieces as I could and made any new pieces I felt were needed.

By lunch, I had gotten these two motifs done:

two multicolor textured crochet squares on a motif Monday
Two newly complete multicolor crochet motifs on a motif Monday

Next, I picked out four completed motifs that already had the ends woven in, washed them, extracted as much water as I could using my Spin ‘nStor bags, and then set them out on the sweater dryer which I had strategically placed under a ceiling fan set to high.

Despite the progress, my crochet/breakfast bar was still overrun with stuff, so I selected these twelve motifs:

twelve multicolor textured crochet squares, crochetbug, crochet afghan, crochet blanket, crochet amish quilt, crochet throw
Twelve multicolor crochet motifs in need of ends being woven in

and determined that I would sit and weave in the ends until they were done.

Two hours later, I had this ball of yarn scraps:

yarn scraps, crochetbug, weaving in ends, textured crochet blanket, textured crochet throw, textured crochet afghan
The yarn scraps generated from weaving in ends

and twelve mutli-color motifs ready to be washed, dried, and then assembled into what will be my 2012 North Carolina State Fair project:

twelve multicolor textured crochet squares, crochetbug, crochet afghan, crochet blanket, crochet amish quilt, crochet throw
Twelve multicolor crochet motifs with the ends woven in

With just 20 full working days left until my project needs to be turned in at the State Fairgrounds, I am still concerned about meeting the deadline, but each day I get a little bit closer, one stitch at a time.

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