In which I finish the taco purse

For me, part of preparing to work on my state fair project is to finish whatever “urgent” projects might be in my personal queue, and the taco purse was one such project.

I had completed all of the pieces several days ago, and yesterday I finally got out all of the tools and materials I would need to finish it and did exactly that.

I started by sewing in the reinforcing piece for the bottom of the bag:

crochet taco purse interior
The crochet taco purse with the reinforcing piece secured

With the reinforcing piece secured, I was able to move forward with the lining:

fabric lining crochet taco purse
The body of the crochet bag with the lining complete

From there, I wrestled with theĀ zipper piece (I had made a counting error and had to make adjust a few things to make it work) and attached the handles:

crochet taco purse zippers
The taco crochet purse with the zipper installed and handles attached

With the taco purse finally completed, I was able to get a couple of photos of the bag in its natural habitat.

Here it is with the handles configured to be worn over one shoulder:

crochet taco purse
The crochet taco purse in it’s natural habitat with the shorter handle configuration

and here it is with the handles configured so that it can be worn across the body:

crochet taco purse
The crochet taco purse in its natural habitat with the longer handle configuration

and so the new owner of the bag would have what I consider essentials at her finger tips, I threw in some of my favorite flavors of sugar-free gum, a teeny, tiny tin of peppermint Altoids, and some Clover bent-tipped needles and stitch markers:

crochet taco purse interior
A crochet taco purse with some of the bare necessities

With the taco bag ready to go out into the world and share the joy of crochet, I am now free to concentrate all of my crochet efforts on Cookieghan 2.0.

3 thoughts on “In which I finish the taco purse

  1. Great job! I love the way you made the handles so that they are adaptable. The giftee is going to love it šŸ™‚

  2. Your taco bag is way cool and along with the sheer enjoyment of watching your projects develop, I so often pick up really helpful tips and info. This time it was learning how to install a zipper. Cannot even begin to guesstimate how many projects I passed over bc of those blasted zippers. No more! Bring ’em on, teeth, tabs, and all!

    But now it’s time to get down to business. I cannot wait to watch you create this year’s blue ribbon winner. I love your cookieghans and am drooling with the anticipation as you begin to reveal the new twist you’ll put on this one.

    Best of luck!


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