Crochet redux: Lost in translation

Note to my readers: This blog post first appeared on July 26, 2012, under the title “Lost in Translation.” Since then, I have created this dedicated page: So you want to make Samantha’s fat bag? to assist any would be crocheters in making this delightful bag.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have some purple Cascade 220 wool that I intend to transform into a fat bag, but what I did not mention is that the transformation is taking longer than I expected. This is largely due to my impatience to start crocheting it, and in my haste, something was lost in translation

Sometimes, even with crochet, time is of the essence, and this is one such occasion. I am making this bag for someone who needs it, so I want to get it finished and on its way.

The bag in question and it’s pattern can be found at Samanta Maragno’s blog which you can get to by clicking here.

If you click on the link, a new window or tab should open up and take you a blog written in Portuguese. If you are like me, you will then need to find a translation tool to use. I generally either use Google Translate, or Yahoo! Babel Fish.

If you use Google Translate, you will get the following:

Olá! More Fat Bag, goes for SP. To make greater as in the photo it follows the tips.
Tips: Double wire of the Bella line and needle 7mm, first career with 32 points, increases up to 28 points each side, 24 careers without increase, starts to diminish again, to the end of the folds will be with 24 points, handle with 70 correntinhas. GRAPH BELOW OF THE PHOTOS. Kiss!

and if you use Yahoo! Babel Fish, you will get this:

Olá! More Fat Bag, goes for SP. To make greater as in the photo it follows the tips.
Tips: Double wire of the Bella line and needle 7mm, first career with 32 points, increases up to 28 points each side, 24 careers without increase, starts to diminish again, to the end of the folds will be with 24 points, handle with 70 correntinhas. GRAPH BELOW OF THE PHOTOS. Kiss!

If you read the two translations carefully, you’ll find that they are identical, and you might be tempted (as I was) to quickly click on the word GRAPHIC situated just below the second picture of the Fat Bag. If you do that, you will be taken here, where you will find a chart that appears, at first glance, to be eminently more understandable to non-Portuguese readers such as myself.

The problem I encountered was that I needed information from both the written description as well as from the chart in order to make the purse the size and shape I wanted, but I did not realize that the first time I started the bag.

The graphic is for a smaller bag with an initial chain of 18 stitches (with five stitches between the increases and decreases), while the bag pictured has an initial chain of 32 stitches (with 20 stitches between the increases and decreases).

Seduced by the ease of reading the chart, I ignored the portion of the text which read “To make greater as in the photo it follows the tips.” Instead I carefully followed the graph, and ended up with a bag-to-be that was going to be far too small for the intended recipient, so I reread the pattern, realized my mistake, and unraveled the work I had done and started over.

Here is what I got done today:

Body of the crochet fat bag after the details were no longer lost in translation
Body of the crochet fat bag after the details were no longer lost in translation

The next step is to find an appropriately brilliant fabric to line the bag.

Hopefully, I will remember that being in a hurry can take a lot of time.

2 thoughts on “Crochet redux: Lost in translation

  1. Back again… Thank you, thank you, thank you for the dedicated page and all the extra links. I have the perfect stash yarn that has been waiting all this time just to become a Fat Bag!

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