And then there were eight

A much needed spring break is drawing to a close, and as it does, I am hoping that the restorative nature of such a break carries me through to the end of what remains of my son’s school year.

As is true every spring, the days are packed with things that need to be done; things that were deferred while winter held court, and this year, it seems, winter was loathe to set us free.

But spring is now here. A bit more tentative than usual, but here, nonetheless.

So today, after I had walked the dog and done a couple of loads of laundry, I sat down with my crochet and worked on the turqua basket.

I worked one stitch after another until I had I finished one round, and then worked still another round and yet another until finally, the basket was done:

And then there were eight: a turqua crochet basket
And then there were eight: a turqua crochet basket

Then I wove in the ends, trimmed them, gathered up the seven other crochet baskets, (the first of which I began work on around the Ides of January) and got this photo of their interiors as I gazed down from above them.:

eight crochet baskets ikea expedit
An interior view of the eight crochet baskets

as well as this view from the side:

Then there were eight crochet baskets ready for my Ikea Expedit
Then there were eight crochet baskets ready for my Ikea Expedit

I am enjoying this moment of feeling that I have gotten something done, but tomorrow, after my son has gotten on the school bus and the dog has been walked, I will begin filling the completed baskets with things that need organizing, and as is true of so many of my domestic adventures, I don’t really know where this journey will take me or when it will end.

Related post: So you want to make a crochet basket for an Ikea Expedit cubby?


3 thoughts on “And then there were eight

  1. Those baskets are fabulous. So pretty and useful!!! I’m moving soon and I think I might have a need for baskets like those, so I will most likely be copying you.

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